FRYMA VME 20C lab/product development scale mixer - Stock Ref 3051
~FRYMA model VME 20C lab/product development scale mixer for creams, lotions, gels, viscous and semi viscous products. Product bowl in 316 grade stainless steel 360mm dia x 360mm deep with shallow dished base, 20mm dia bottom outlet with hand operated flush filling valve fitted. Approx gross capacity 30 litres, approx working volume 20 litres. Stainless steel jacket to sides and base area rated at 3 bar w.p. Vessel rated at -1bar (FV) to 5bar w.p. Vessel has temperature probe into base and 20mm dia connection for product additive or sampling point. Main mixer has four bars with teflon scraper blades attached, combined with homogenising/colloid mill 80mm dia workhead. The product bowl is power raised/lowered with dowel location at interface; 4 x swingbolt type clamps to secure. The top cover has a vessel lightglass/light 60mm dia and 60mm dia sightglass and a 15mm dia valved inlet. Control panel with scraper head speed selector and a forward/reverse selector, torque controller with LCD indication, colloid mill forward/reverse selector and a chart recorder. There is also Bowl raise/lower control, manual lever for bowl tilt discharge. Within the control panel/enclosure is the vacuum pump and main mixer drive. The mixers motors are automatically isolated when the product bowl is not engaged to the cover/drive. Overall dimensions 1800mm x 900mm deep x 1900mm high. Supplied new in 1992, excellent condition.